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Mosfellsbær Forestry Association annual general meeting 2021

Með 11. maí, 2021News

The Mosfellsbær Forestry Association will be held on Tuesday, May 18th, starting at 20:00 in the hall of Björgunarsveitin Kyndill in Mosfellsbæ, at Völuteigur 23.


  1. Election of chairman and meeting secretary
  2. Board report 2020
  3. Association’s accounts 2020
  4. Amendments to the bylaws
  5. Membership fee for 2021
  6. Election of the board and auditor
  7. Other items

Proposals for amendments of the bylaws will be put to the meeting. The proposal can be viewed on the Association’s website –

The meeting will conclude with a presentation by Brynjólfur Jónsson, director of the Icelandic Forestry Association, on the status, role and future vision of the Icelandic Forestry Association.

Due to Covid-19 there will be no refreshments on offer. The 2 m rule applies and hand sanitizer will be provided.