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Open Forest: The Icelandic Forestry Association and Netto

Með 22. maí, 2023News

The Icelandic Forestry Association and Nettó have now signed a cooperation agreement on the project Open Forest. The goal of the cooperation is to improve facilities and increase accessibility in forest areas near main roads and to provide education on biota, nature and history so that the public can use the forests for rest stops, recreation and health. The agreement will ensure the operation of the project through next year.

There are now seventeen Open forests, open for everyone and located throughout the country. All the forests have good recreation facilities and work will continue to develop and improve accessibility so that as many people as possible can enjoy the forests.

“This agreement is of great importance to us and will ensure the operation of the Open Forests project until next year,” stated Jónatan Garðarsson, chairman of the Icelandic Forestry Association. “Now we will further promote the project and encourage the country’s people to get a taste of the forests, as it provides excellent facilities for visiting together and for outdoor recreation, as visiting the forest is known to improve health and happiness.”

“This project fits in well with our environmental policy at Nettó, but we always have the goal of minimizing the environmental impact of the operations as much as possible. The Icelandic Forestry Association an important pillar of nature and environmental protection in this country, so we are extremely pleased with this collaboration,” says Helga Dís Jakobsdóttir, marketing manager for Nettó. “We encourage anyone traveling through the country to stop by the Nettó forests throughout the country, take a walk or picnic break and enjoy the natural beauty of the trip around the country.”

Jónatan Garðarsson, chairman of the Icelandic Forestry Association and Helga Dís Jakobsdóttir, marketing manager for Nettó, signing the cooperation agreement.