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The second issue of the 2020 Journal of the Icelandic Forestry Association has been published

Með News

The second issue of the 2020 Journal of the Icelandic Forestry Association (Skógræktarritið) has been published and posted to its subscribers. The issue contains a range of articles on diverse aspects of forestry, including outdoor education, the Tree of the Year 2020, the effect of pine wolly aphid on the survival and growth of scots pine in Iceland, whittling, mixed forestry, the foundation of Heiðmörk, the distribution and impact of broom moth on young forests and forestry statistics for 2019.

The cover picture is a painting by the artist Kristinn Már Pálmason, titled „Alien Hourgarden“.

Skógræktarritið (formerly Ársrit Skógræktarfélag Íslands) is the only regular journal about forestry in Iceland and the main forum of writing by Icelandic foresters and others interested in the various aspects of forestry. The content of the publication is therefore very diverse and extensive.

Annað tölublað Skógræktarritsins 2020 er komið út

Með Fréttir

Að venju er að finna í ritinu áhugaverðar greina um hinar fjölbreyttu hliðar skógræktar. Að þessu sinni má meðal annars finna greinar um Tré ársins 2020, útikennslu, áhrif furulúsar á lifun og vöxt skógarfuru á Íslandi, tálgun, blandskógrækt, stofnun Heiðmerkur, skógartölur ársins 2019 og útbreiðslu og áhrif ertuyglu á ungskóga.

Kápu ritsins prýðir myndin „Alien Hourgarden“ eftir Kristinn Má Pálmason.

Skógræktarritið (áður Ársrit Skógræktarfélags Íslands) er eina tímaritið um skógrækt á Íslandi og aðalvettvangur skrifa íslenskra skógfræðinga og annarra sem áhuga hafa á hinum ýmsu hliðum skógræktar. Efni ritsins er því mjög fjölbreytt og víðtækt.

Hægt er að gerast áskrifandi að ritinu – sjá nánar:

Skrifstofa Skógræktarfélags Íslands – opnunartímar

Með Fréttir

Starfsfólk Skógræktarfélags Íslands mun nú á næstunni vinna meira heima, í ljósi tilmæla sóttvarnalæknis. Því geta komið tímabil þar sem enginn er við á skrifstofu félagsins á uppgefnum opnunartíma (9-16). Því er ráðlagt að hringja á undan sér (s. 551-8150) ef fólk á erindi á skrifstofuna. Hægt er að hafa samband við starfsfólk með tölvupósti eða síma – upplýsingar um símanúmer og netföng má finna hér á heimasíðunni –


Siglufjörður Forestry Association 80 years

Með News

The Siglufjörður Forestry Association was founded on September 22, 1940 and thus just turned 80. The association initally got land in the eastern part of Hólsdalur and began planting there, but the land proved too difficult plant in, so the association moved to Skarðdsalur, which has been the main forestry site of the association since and is now the most northern planted forest in Iceland.

The Icelandic Forestry Association wishes the Siglufjörður Forestry Association a happy birthday!

A brief overview of the association‘s activities (in Icelandic) in honour of the birthday is available on the Trölli website.

Skógræktarfélag Siglufjarðar 80 ára

Með Fréttir

Skógræktarfélag Siglufjarðar fagnaði 80 ára afmæli sínu þann 22. september, en félagið var stofnað þann 22. september 1940. Upphaflega fékk félagið úthlutað landi austanvert í Hólsdalnum sunnan Hóls og hóf þar gróðursetningu, en það reyndist of erfitt land og flutti félagið sig því yfir í Skarðdal, sem hefur verið aðal skógræktarsvæði félagsins síðan og vex þar nú nyrsti gróðursetti skógur landsins.

Skógræktarfélag Íslands óskar Skógræktarfélagi Siglufjarðar til hamingju með afmælið!

Stutt yfirlit yfir starf félagsins í tilefni afmælisins má lesa á vef Trölla –


Hafnafjörður Forestry Association Volunteer Day

Með News

The Hafnarfjörður Forestry Association hosts a Volunteer Day on Sunday September 20. Planting will be done at Hamranes between 11 and 13. The meeting point is near Hamranesflugvöllur on Hvaleyrarvatnsvegur.

Plants and tools on site, everybody gets a hot soup after the planting.

E-mail for further information or call phone numbers 555-6455 or 894-1268.

Everyone welcome!

Sjálfboðaliðadagur hjá Skógræktarfélagi Hafnarfjarðar

Með Fréttir

Skógræktarfélag Hafnarfjarðar verður með sjálfboðaliðadag sunnudaginn 20. september. Gróðursett verður í Hamranesið milli kl. 11 og 13. Mæting á móts við Hamranesflugvöll við Hvaleyrarvatnsveg. Þar í hlíðum jarðvegstippsins verður gróðursett eins og í fyrra.

Plöntur og verkfæri á staðnum. Allir fá heita súpu að gróðursetningu lokinni.

Sendið póst á netfangið til að fá nánari upplýsingar eða hringið í síma 555-6455 eða 894-1268.

Allir velkomnir!

National collection of birch seeds

Með News

The Iceland Forest Service and the Soil Conservation Service of Iceland have joined forces and launched a campaign of seed gathering from birch. Everyone in Iceland is encouraged to go out and gather seeds from birch – they will then be dispersed in specially chosen areas all over the country.

From the middle of September a special collection box will be available at the Iceland Forest Service and the Soil Conservation Service offices, at Terra and at Bonus stores.

More information on the campaign is available at the website

The Akranes Forestry Association General Meeting 2020

Með News

The Akranes Forestry Association will hold its General Meeting at Frístundamiðstöðin Garðavöllum in Akranes on Monday, September 28 at 20:00. On the agenda are regular meeting activities (annual report, accounts and elections) and discussion of the association’s activities.

One seat on the board is vacant and are members interested in taking part in the association’s activities encouraged to run for office.

The Icelandic Forestry Associations General Meeting 2020

Með News

The General Meeting of the Icelandic Forestry Association (IFA) was held in Reykjavík on September 5, in a meeting room of Arionbanki. The General Meeting usually spans three days, with lectures and field trips and the IFA member associations take turns hosting the meeting. In view of restrictions due to Covid a decision was made to change the format of the meeting. Only elected representatives of the member associations were invited, in order to carry out the necessary duties of the meeting, such as electing the board of the IFA and approving the annual accounts. Some of the delegates attended the meeting remotely.

Jónatan Garðarsson was re-elected as chairman of the IFA. Two new board members were elected; Nanna Sjöfn Pétursdóttir from the Bíldudalur Forestry Association and Berglind Ásgeirsdóttir, from the Suðurnesja Forestry Association. The vice board members – Kristinn H. Þorsteinsson, Valgerður Auðunsdóttir and Björn Traustason – were all re-elected. One resolution of the meeting was passed, on the use of biological control of forest pests.

Sigrún Stefánsdóttir (left) and Laufey B. Hannesdóttir (right) left the board of the Icelandic Forestry Association after serving on it for years and were given a bouquet with thanks from Jónatan Garðarsson.